Tuesday 13 November 2012

Blog update

Also guys I have some news about the blog for you. From now on I will try to write a new review for and app every Sunday. As well some weeks i will upload another post during the week but not necessarily an app review it will likely be something that is relevant to the app world.

Also if you're an app creator or just a fan of apps and found/created an app and would like me to review it you can mail me at apprewiew@gmail.com (I know there is a spelling mistake). Also please send some basic information about the all like when it was realeased and who created it.

Sunday 11 November 2012

iMotion HD

iPhone Screenshot 1I found a great app for all you wannabe movie makers out there know as iMotion HD! What this app lets you do is create stop motion animations with a touch of a button and export them to youtube in HD   720p.

All you need for this app is a camera on your iOS device. The app itself is very easy to use all you need to do is create a new movie and your set. But for you you app whizzes there are more complicated functions you can choose from...

The time lapse option is what i think makes this app special. It allows you to choose the interval of time before it automatically takes the picture which i think is great because i get tired of pressing pause and start recording for every single frame.... Of course if you want it to do it manually you can also do that if you are making a very detailed movie which takes a lot of time to set up.

Also there is another app made by the same people called iMotion remote which lets you remotely control iMotion HD app and preview before you take the frame, which is a great addition if you have more than one iOS device.

The app lets you export your finished movie to youtube, your gallery, email and the iMotion gallery..There is also a paid version of the app but I think the free version is just as good click here for the link to the apple app store.

Sunday 4 November 2012

My first app review/blog- Topia

iPhone Screenshot 1Ok, this is my first ever app review/blog reason why review/blog is because I haven't completely made up my mind on what this is going to be... Anyway I got that out of the way now I can start with the actual review...

Topia is a great little sandbox game created by Crescent Moon Games which allows you to create your own world and shape it the way you want it. It was first released on October 11th  2012 and is available on all platforms (excluding iPod touch gen 1 and 2) and must have at least iOS 5 or greater.

The controls are very simple which are all covered in the tutorial (which I suggest you check out). Nothing fancy in the features department just all the basics you need to make the world (this app is very new and they haven't updated it a lot so there will be more features in the future), but there are 4 different creatures to choose from to populate your island. Be careful some are carnivorous and eat the omnivores.

Overall I think its a great little app well worth the £0.69/0.99$ and I cant wait till they release the next update... Link to the app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/topia-world-builder/id534282109?mt=8